A pat on the back for a task well done is always reassuring. Sincere and warm words of appreciation go a long way in boosting someone’s self confidence. On the other hand, reprimanding and scathing words have just the opposite effect. I am sure most of you will agree with me on this.
I have been fortunate to come across more people who belong to the former category than the latter. It is because of their encouragement and appreciation that I have been able to bring out the best in me. Discover some of my hidden talents and polish them further. They have inspired me to perform better and work harder. Having felt its power, ‘Appreciation’ is something that comes more easily to me and from the heart. And yes, it works wonders.
I am not saying that we must resolve to flattery. There is a difference between sincere appreciation/ encouragement and flattery. Something to the effect – ‘This is good, but can be better.’ is more encouraging than saying ‘What you have done is pathetic.’ It is simply the choice of words that make all the difference. Only something close to the first option can inspire someone to perform better.
There are few people who are willing to give that first chance; who allow us to make mistakes and learn from them. Others are impatient and expect us to nail it at the very first attempt. But what we all forget is that we all began somewhere. For all of us there was a day of ‘firsts’ – first step, first day at school, first job interview, first pay check, first blunder…and behind it someone who gave us that first chance. Once we’ve crossed this stage and gone higher up the rung we look down on those still taking the first step. And the first thing we forget is the ‘art of appreciation’. It happens to all of us. But the important thing is to realise and rectify. It is better to help those at the initial stages and raise capable people and a tip for that is, well yes….Appreciation.